Procedure | Location | Procedure Type | Description |
add_call | mimic_utils | Function | Add a function call to registry |
add_map_entry | mimic_types | Subroutine | add an overlap entry to the map |
add_maps_entry | mimic_types | Subroutine | add an entry to the maps collection |
compute_binomial_coefficients | mimic_tensors | Subroutine | Calculate binomial coefficients using recursive algorithm by Sten Rettrup and Ruben Pauncz, Int. J. Quantum Chem., 60: 91–98 (1996) DOI: 10.1002/(SICI)1097-461X(1996)60:1<91::AID-QUA10>3.0.CO;2-A |
compute_center_of_charge | mimic_particles | Function | compute center-of-charge of a set particles |
compute_center_of_mass | mimic_particles | Function | compute center-of-mass of a set of particles |
compute_centroid | mimic_particles | Function | compute centroid of a set of particles |
compute_double_factorials | mimic_tensors | Subroutine | compute and store double factorials upto 12!! |
compute_electronic_multipoles | mimic_fragments | Subroutine | compute multipole expansion of the electrostatic potential from an electronic density (which is represented on a grid) around an origin |
compute_factorials | mimic_tensors | Subroutine | compute and store factorials upto 12! |
compute_folded_tensors | mimic_long_range | Subroutine | Computes folded tensor used in energy and potential computations |
compute_lr_energy | mimic_long_range | Subroutine | compute interaction energy between quantum fragment and long-range atoms |
compute_lr_forces | mimic_long_range | Subroutine | compute forces from long-range atoms on quantum fragment and vice versa |
compute_lr_potential | mimic_long_range | Subroutine | compute potential from long-range atoms on quantum fragment |
compute_minimum_distance | mimic_particles | Function | computes minimum distance between two sets of particles |
compute_nuclear_multipoles | mimic_fragments | Subroutine | compute multipole expansion of the electrostatic potential from a set of nuclei around an origin |
compute_sr_energy_ions | mimic_short_range | Subroutine | compute classical atom - quantum ion interaction energy |
compute_sr_forces_electrons | mimic_short_range | Subroutine | compute forces from classical atom - quantum electrons interactions (stored FION matrix (through pointers)) |
compute_sr_forces_ions | mimic_short_range | Subroutine | compute forces from classical atom - quantum ion interactions (stored in FION matrix (through pointers)) |
compute_sr_potential_electrons | mimic_short_range | Subroutine | compute potential classical atom on quantum fragment |
compute_tensor_coefficients | mimic_tensors | Subroutine | compute tensor coefficients needed to compute open-ended derivatives of (from C. E. Dykstra, J. Comput. Chem., 9 (1988), 476, where C^(n)_ij are stored as tensor_coefficient(j,i,n)) |
compute_trinomial_coefficients | mimic_tensors | Subroutine | compute trinomial coefficients () |
contract_tensors | mimic_tensors | Subroutine | contract tensors A and B according to rank of C and return result in C |
convert_index | mimic_tensors | Function | convert from multi-index to packed tensor index |
copy_angle | mimic_types | Subroutine | |
copy_bond | mimic_types | Subroutine | |
copy_entry | mimic_utils | Subroutine | Recursive function making a deep copy of stack_entry |
copy_map | mimic_types | Subroutine | add an overlap entry to the map |
copy_maps | mimic_types | Subroutine | add an overlap entry to the map |
define_fragments | mimic_subsystems | Subroutine | |
destroy_comm | mimic_data_collect | Subroutine | destructor for the commlib |
detrace_tensor | mimic_tensors | Subroutine | convert tensor to traceless tensor |
finalize | mimic_data_collect | Subroutine | routine sending an exit code to each client |
find_entry | mimic_utils | Function | Recursive function looking for the entry in array by hash |
folded_interaction_tensor | mimic_tensors | Subroutine | Compute folded multipole interaction tensor containing derivatives of , i.e. the da'th derivative wrt and db'th derivative wrt . Tensor is returned in a one-dimensional array with elements in anticanonical ordering, e.g. xx, xy, xz, yy, yz, zz. |
fragment_center_of_charge | mimic_fragments | Function | compute the fragment center-of-charge |
fragment_center_of_mass | mimic_fragments | Function | compute the fragment center-of-mass |
fragment_centroid | mimic_fragments | Function | compute the fragment centroid |
gather_angle_count | mimic_data_collect | Subroutine | gather angle count from all clients |
gather_angles | mimic_data_collect | Subroutine | get the angle constraints data - atom indices and equilibrium values |
gather_atom_count | mimic_data_collect | Subroutine | gather atom count from all clients |
gather_atom_fragment_count | mimic_data_collect | Subroutine | get the number of atoms per each fragment in the system |
gather_atom_fragment_ids | mimic_data_collect | Subroutine | get IDs of atoms per each fragment in the system |
gather_bond_count | mimic_data_collect | Subroutine | gather bond count from all clients |
gather_bonds | mimic_data_collect | Subroutine | get the bond constraints data - atom indices and lengths |
gather_coords | mimic_data_collect | Subroutine | gather coordinates of atoms within the system (dealing with overlaps) and store result in the tau matrix through pointers |
gather_elements | mimic_data_collect | Subroutine | gather element number associated to MM atom types |
gather_energies | mimic_data_collect | Subroutine | gather MM energies from clients |
gather_forces | mimic_data_collect | Subroutine | gather forces acting on atoms within the system and store result in the forces matrix through pointers |
gather_fragment_count | mimic_data_collect | Subroutine | gather fragment count from all clients |
gather_int | mimic_data_collect | Subroutine | gather integer parameter from client codes |
gather_masses | mimic_data_collect | Subroutine | get the data about atoms in the system |
gather_multipoles | mimic_data_collect | Subroutine | get the data about atoms in the system |
gather_type_count | mimic_data_collect | Subroutine | gather atom types count from all clients |
get_atom_species | mimic_data_collect | Subroutine | Get the number of atoms per atomic species per code (with overlap treatment) |
get_fragment_count | mimic_data_collect | Subroutine | get the number of fragment per each of the client code |
get_multipole_order | mimic_data_collect | Subroutine | get the orders of multipoles used in each client code |
get_multipoles_size | mimic_properties | Function | |
get_time | mimic_utils | Function | Get current time |
handle | mimic_errors | Interface | |
handle_error | mimic_errors | Subroutine | Subroutine to handle errors |
handle_generic_error | mimic_errors | Subroutine | Handler to treat any other kind of errors |
handle_inc_error | mimic_errors | Subroutine | Handler to treat incorrect argument errors |
handle_mem_error | mimic_errors | Subroutine | Handler to treat memory allocation issues |
handshake | mimic_data_collect | Subroutine | identify and connect clients |
hash_str | mimic_utils | Function | Calculate a hash of the string |
increment_entry | mimic_utils | Subroutine | Add new start time to the entry |
init | mimic_data_collect | Subroutine | initialize communication |
init_atom | mimic_particles | Subroutine | |
init_cell | mimic_cells | Subroutine | |
init_entry | mimic_utils | Function | Initializer of a stack entry |
init_error_handling | mimic_errors | Subroutine | initialiaze error handler |
init_fragment | mimic_fragments | Subroutine | intialize fragment |
init_map | mimic_types | Subroutine | |
init_multipoles | mimic_properties | Subroutine | |
init_nucleus | mimic_particles | Subroutine | |
init_overlaps | mimic_data_collect | Subroutine | initialize overlap mapping |
init_quantum_fragment | mimic_fragments | Subroutine | Initialize quantum fragment |
init_real_field_grid | mimic_field_grids | Subroutine | |
init_site | mimic_particles | Subroutine | |
init_subsystem | mimic_subsystems | Subroutine | |
initialize_tensors | mimic_tensors | Subroutine | initialize tensor module |
interaction_tensor | mimic_tensors | Subroutine | Compute multipole interaction tensor containing derivatives of , i.e. the da'th derivative wrt and db'th derivative wrt . Tensor is returned in a one-dimensional array with elements in anticanonical ordering, e.g. xx, xy, xz, yy, yz, zz. |
issue_force_comp | mimic_data_collect | Subroutine | issue a command to compute forces and energies |
mimic_allocate_mm_struct | mimic_main | Subroutine | allocates fragments for MM part |
mimic_allocate_qm_struct | mimic_main | Subroutine | allocates quantum fragment (at the moment one per simulation) |
mimic_center_qm | mimic_main | Subroutine | re-center the quantum box |
mimic_collect_coordinates | mimic_main | Subroutine | wrapper to request coordinates of MM part |
mimic_collect_energies | mimic_main | Subroutine | wrapper to request MM energies |
mimic_collect_forces | mimic_main | Subroutine | wrapper to request MM forces |
mimic_compute_energy | mimic_main | Subroutine | compute interaction energy |
mimic_compute_forces | mimic_main | Subroutine | compute forces from electrostatic interactions |
mimic_compute_multipoles | mimic_main | Subroutine | compute multipoles of the quantum fragment |
mimic_compute_potential | mimic_main | Subroutine | compute electrostatic potential |
mimic_compute_tensors | mimic_main | Subroutine | compute folded tensors for long-range electrostatics |
mimic_count_trcnst | mimic_main | Subroutine | Routine to count the number of interdependent constraints amoung bonds |
mimic_destroy | mimic_main | Subroutine | MiMiC destruction routine - deallocates all arrays and shuts down communicator |
mimic_finalize | mimic_main | Subroutine | |
mimic_handshake | mimic_main | Subroutine | MiMiC initialization routine |
mimic_init | mimic_main | Subroutine | initialize MiMiC |
mimic_init_error_handler | mimic_main | Subroutine | initialize error handling |
mimic_init_overlaps | mimic_main | Subroutine | initialize overlap maps using the input file data |
mimic_min_image | mimic_main | Subroutine | apply MIC to the whole system with respect to a pivot point |
mimic_print_timings | mimic_main | Subroutine | Routine that prints timings accumulated during the current run of MiMiC |
mimic_request_sizes | mimic_main | Subroutine | wrapper to request sizes of MM parts (number of atoms/species/fragments) |
mimic_request_system_data | mimic_main | Subroutine | return data about atomic species, masses and multipoles in the MM part |
mimic_send_coords | mimic_main | Subroutine | |
mimic_set_num_clients | mimic_main | Subroutine | set the number of clients (needed for non-root processes) |
mimic_sort_fragments | mimic_main | Subroutine | sort fragments into short- and long-range according to distance criterion |
mimic_stack_entry | mimic_utils | Interface | |
mimic_translate | mimic_main | Subroutine | Routine that does translation of the whole system with a given vector |
move_alloc_str | mimic_data_collect | Subroutine | |
polytensor_size | mimic_tensors | Function | compute size of first degree polytensor with tensors up to maxmimum rank |
print_entry | mimic_utils | Subroutine | Recursive function printing timing of the entry and its children |
print_timings | mimic_utils | Subroutine | Print measured timings of function calls |
print_warning | mimic_errors | Subroutine | Subroutine to print warning header |
print_welcome | mimic_utils | Subroutine | Writes a welcome message to the standard output together with the list of papers to cite. |
quantum_fragment_center_of_charge | mimic_fragments | Function | compute quantum-fragment center-of-charge |
quantum_fragment_center_of_mass | mimic_fragments | Function | compute quantum-fragment center-of-mass |
quantum_fragment_centroid | mimic_fragments | Function | compute quantum-fragment centroid |
send_command | mimic_data_collect | Subroutine | send a command via the CommLib |
send_coords | mimic_data_collect | Subroutine | send coordinates of atoms to client codes (sends a flattened array) |
send_int | mimic_data_collect | Subroutine | gather integer parameter from client codes |
start_timer | mimic_utils | Function | Start a timer for a given function |
stop_timer | mimic_utils | Subroutine | Stop a timer for a given function (invalidates the pointer) |
tensor_element | mimic_tensors | Function | compute element of multipole interaction tensor (C. E. Dykstra, J. Comput. Chem., 9 (1988), 476) which in multi-index notation this is |
tensor_rank | mimic_tensors | Function | compute rank of tensor |
tensor_size | mimic_tensors | Function | compute size of tensor of given rank |
tensor_trace | mimic_tensors | Function | compute trace of a packed tensor |
terminate_tensors | mimic_tensors | Subroutine | |
timer_print | mimic_utils | Subroutine | Print the call stack with timing information. |
timer_start | mimic_utils | Subroutine | Start timing the routine with a given name. This procedure will start tracking the execution time of a given function in a call stack tree. Subsequent calls to this function will create additional entries in the call stack that are going to be shown as children of the original routine. |
timer_stop | mimic_utils | Subroutine | Stop timing last routine. This procedure will record the finishing time of the routine that was timed the last. Moreover, it will move one level up in the call stack hierarchy. |
unique_entries | mimic_data_collect | Subroutine | search for unique occurences in the array |
write_error_header | mimic_errors | Subroutine | Subroutine to print error header |