get the bond constraints data - atom indices and lengths
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
class(mimic_communicator), | intent(inout) | :: | this | |||
type(bond_type), | intent(out), | dimension(:,:), allocatable | :: | bonds | list of constrained bonds in the simulation, return value |
integer, | intent(inout), | dimension(:) | :: | bonds_number | number of bond constraints in the system. WARNING!!! this routine updates this value |
subroutine gather_bonds(this, bonds, bonds_number)
class(mimic_communicator), intent(inout) :: this
!> list of constrained bonds in the simulation, return value
type(bond_type), dimension(:,:), allocatable, intent(out) :: bonds
!> number of bond constraints in the system.
!> WARNING!!! this routine updates this value
integer, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: bonds_number
integer, dimension(:, :), target, allocatable :: indices
real(dp), dimension(:, :), target, allocatable :: lengths
integer, dimension(:, :), allocatable :: act_ind
integer :: n_client, n_bond, n_map
integer :: offset
integer :: overlap_id
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: temp_bonds_number
logical :: overlapped
allocate(indices(2 * maxval(bonds_number), this%num_clients))
allocate(act_ind(maxval(bonds_number), this%num_clients))
allocate(lengths(maxval(bonds_number), this%num_clients))
if (maxval(bonds_number) == 0) return
temp_bonds_number = bonds_number
do n_client = 1, this%num_clients
if (bonds_number(n_client) == 0) cycle
offset = 1
call this%send_command(MCL_SEND_BOND_ATOMS, n_client)
call mcl_receive(indices(:, n_client), 2 * bonds_number(n_client), MCL_DATA, n_client)
call this%send_command(MCL_SEND_BOND_LENGTHS, n_client)
call mcl_receive(lengths(:, n_client), bonds_number(n_client), MCL_DATA, n_client)
do n_bond = 1, bonds_number(n_client)
overlapped = .false.
do n_map = 1, size(this%overlap_maps(n_client)%maps)
overlap_id = this%overlap_maps(n_client)%maps(n_map)%id
if (overlap_id == indices(n_bond * 2 - 1, n_client) .or. &
overlap_id == indices(n_bond * 2, n_client)) then
temp_bonds_number(n_client) = temp_bonds_number(n_client) - 1
overlapped = .true.
end if
end do ! n_map
if (.not. overlapped) then
act_ind(offset, n_client) = n_bond
offset = offset + 1
end do ! n_bond
end do ! n_client
bonds_number = temp_bonds_number
allocate(bonds(maxval(bonds_number), this%num_clients))
do n_client = 1, this%num_clients
do n_bond = 1, bonds_number(n_client)
bonds(n_bond, n_client)%atom_i = &
indices(act_ind(n_bond, n_client) * 2 - 1, n_client)
bonds(n_bond, n_client)%atom_j = &
indices(act_ind(n_bond, n_client) * 2, n_client)
bonds(n_bond, n_client)%length = &
lengths(act_ind(n_bond, n_client), n_client)
end do ! n_bond
end do ! n_client
end subroutine gather_bonds