gather_forces Subroutine

public subroutine gather_forces(this, frag_code)

gather forces acting on atoms within the system and store result in the forces matrix through pointers


class(mimic_communicator), intent(inout) :: this
type(subsystem_type), intent(in), dimension(:):: frag_code

subsystem_type belonging to each code


Source Code

Source Code

subroutine gather_forces(this, frag_code)

    class(mimic_communicator), intent(inout) :: this
    !> subsystem_type belonging to each code
    type(subsystem_type), dimension(:), intent(in) :: frag_code

    real(kind=dp), dimension(:), allocatable, target :: forces
    type(fragment_type) :: current_fragment
    integer :: code_atoms

    integer :: n_code, n_fragment, n_atom
    integer :: offset

    do n_code = 1, this%num_clients
        code_atoms = frag_code(n_code)%num_atoms

        allocate(forces(code_atoms * 3))
        call this%send_command(MCL_SEND_ATOM_FORCES, n_code)
        call mcl_receive(forces, code_atoms * 3, MCL_DATA, n_code)
        ! offset = 1
        do n_fragment = 1, size(frag_code(n_code)%fragments)
            current_fragment = frag_code(n_code)%fragments(n_fragment)
            do n_atom = 1, current_fragment%num_atoms
                offset = (current_fragment%atoms(n_atom)%id - 1) * 3 + 1
                current_fragment%atoms(n_atom)%force = &
                            & current_fragment%atoms(n_atom)%force &
                            & + forces(offset : offset + 2) * frag_code(n_code)%factor
                ! offset = offset + 3
            end do ! n_atom
        end do ! n_fragment
    end do ! n_code

end subroutine gather_forces