Routine to count the number of interdependent constraints amoung bonds
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
integer, | intent(out), | dimension(:), allocatable | :: | nconn | number of dependencies per bond |
integer, | intent(out), | dimension(:, :), allocatable | :: | conn_map | dependency map |
type(bond_type), | intent(in), | dimension(:,:) | :: | bonds | list of bond constraints |
integer, | intent(in), | dimension(:) | :: | bonds_pcode | number of bonds per code |
subroutine mimic_count_trcnst(nconn, conn_map, bonds, bonds_pcode)
!> number of dependencies per bond
integer, dimension(:), allocatable, intent(out) :: nconn
!> dependency map
integer, dimension(:, :), allocatable, intent(out) :: conn_map
!> list of bond constraints
type(bond_type), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: bonds
!> number of bonds per code
integer, dimension(:), intent(in) :: bonds_pcode
integer :: n_code, n_bond, n_bond2
integer :: current_maxconn = 0, current_conn = 0, id = 0, id2 = 0
integer, dimension(:, :), allocatable :: temp_conn_map
do n_code = 1, size(bonds_pcode)
do n_bond = 1, bonds_pcode(n_code)
current_conn = 0
id = id + 1
id2 = sum(bonds_pcode(1:n_code - 1))
do n_bond2 = 1, bonds_pcode(n_code)
id2 = id2 + 1
if (bonds(n_bond, n_code)%atom_i == bonds(n_bond2, n_code)%atom_i .or. &
bonds(n_bond, n_code)%atom_j == bonds(n_bond2, n_code)%atom_j .or. &
bonds(n_bond, n_code)%atom_i == bonds(n_bond2, n_code)%atom_j .or. &
bonds(n_bond, n_code)%atom_j == bonds(n_bond2, n_code)%atom_i) then
current_conn = current_conn + 1
if (current_conn > current_maxconn) then
allocate(temp_conn_map(current_conn, sum(bonds_pcode)))
if (allocated(conn_map)) then
temp_conn_map(1:current_maxconn, :) = conn_map
end if
current_maxconn = current_conn
call move_alloc(temp_conn_map, conn_map)
end if
conn_map(current_conn, id) = id2
end if
end do ! n_bond2
nconn(id) = current_conn
end do ! n_bond
end do ! n_code
end subroutine mimic_count_trcnst