compute classical atom - quantum ion interaction energy
Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
type(atom_type), | intent(inout), | dimension(:) | :: | atoms | list of classical atoms |
class(nucleus_type), | intent(inout), | dimension(:) | :: | nuclei | list of ions to compute interactions with |
real(kind=dp), | intent(out) | :: | energy | resulting energy of interaction |
integer, | intent(in) | :: | at_st | index of the atom to start electrostatic treatment |
integer, | intent(in) | :: | at_end | index of the atom to finish electrostatic treatment |
subroutine compute_sr_energy_ions(atoms, nuclei, &
energy, at_st, at_end)
!> list of classical atoms
type(atom_type), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: atoms
!> list of ions to compute interactions with
class(nucleus_type), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: nuclei
!> resulting energy of interaction
real(dp), intent(out) :: energy
!> index of the atom to start electrostatic treatment
integer, intent(in) :: at_st
!> index of the atom to finish electrostatic treatment
integer, intent(in) :: at_end
integer :: i, j
integer :: num_atoms
real(dp), dimension(3) :: r_ij
real(dp) :: rij
real(dp) :: rij_sq
real(dp) :: rij_4
real(dp) :: radius_4
real(dp) :: radius_5
real(dp) :: nominator
real(dp) :: denominator
real(dp) :: inv_denominator
call timer_start("compute_sr_energy_ions")
if (at_st > at_end) then
call handle_error(SEVERITY_FATAL, &
"at_st should be smaller than at_end", &
__FILE__, __LINE__)
energy = 0.0_dp
num_atoms = size(atoms)
!$OMP PARALLEL DO private(i, radius_4, radius_5, j, r_ij, rij_sq, rij, &
!$OMP& rij_4, nominator, denominator, inv_denominator) reduction(+:energy)
do i = at_st, at_end
if (abs(atoms(i)%charge) <= 1.0e-12_dp) cycle
radius_4 = atoms(i)%radius**ORDER
radius_5 = radius_4 * atoms(i)%radius
do j = 1, size(nuclei)
r_ij = atoms(i)%coordinate - nuclei(j)%coordinate
rij_sq = r_ij(1)*r_ij(1) + r_ij(2)*r_ij(2) + r_ij(3)*r_ij(3)
rij = sqrt(rij_sq)
rij_4 = rij_sq * rij_sq
nominator = radius_4 - rij_4
denominator = radius_5 - rij_4 * rij
inv_denominator = 1.0_dp / denominator
energy = energy + atoms(i)%charge * nuclei(j)%charge * &
nominator * inv_denominator
call timer_stop
end subroutine compute_sr_energy_ions