print_welcome Subroutine

public subroutine print_welcome()

Writes a welcome message to the standard output together with the list of papers to cite.




Source Code

Source Code

subroutine print_welcome

    integer :: n_cite

    write(stdout, *) "---------------------------------------------------------------------"
    write(stdout, *) "MiMiC: a framework for multiscale modeling in computational chemistry"
    write(stdout, *)
    write(stdout, *) "Version: ", PROJECT_VER
    write(stdout, *)
    !@todo: in the future this will have to be configurable
    write(stdout, *) "Using QM/MM module of MiMiC"
    write(stdout, *)
    write(stdout, *) "Please cite the following papers:"
    do n_cite = 1, size(CITE_PAPERS)
        write(stdout, *) CITE_PAPERS(n_cite)
    end do
    write(stdout, *) "---------------------------------------------------------------------"

end subroutine print_welcome