system_type Derived Type

type, public :: system_type

type holding the data about the system, used in allocation of internal structures


Source Code


integer, public, dimension(:, :), allocatable:: species

list of atomic species per atom and per code

integer, public, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable:: atom_fragment_ids

list of atom ids per fragment per code

real(kind=dp), public, dimension(:), allocatable:: masses

list of atomic masses per atom and per code

real(kind=dp), public, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable:: multipole_values

multipole values per atom per code

type(bond_type), public, dimension(:,:), allocatable:: bonds

list of bond constraints per code

type(angle_type), public, dimension(:,:), allocatable:: angles

list of angle constraints per code

character(len=:), public, dimension(:,:), allocatable:: atom_types

list of atom types per code

integer, public, dimension(:), allocatable:: elements

integer representation of element number

integer, public, dimension(:,:), allocatable:: species_map

mapping between classical and CPMD species

Source Code

    type :: system_type
        !> list of atomic species per atom and per code
        integer, dimension(:, :), allocatable :: species
        !> list of atom ids per fragment per code
        integer, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: atom_fragment_ids
        !> list of atomic masses per atom and per code
        real(dp), dimension(:), allocatable :: masses
        !> multipole values per atom per code
        real(dp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: multipole_values
        !> list of bond constraints per code
        type(bond_type), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: bonds
        !> list of angle constraints per code
        type(angle_type), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: angles
        !> deprecated: true
        !> list of atom types per code
        character(len=:), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: atom_types
        !> integer representation of element number
        integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: elements
        !> mapping between classical and CPMD species
        integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: species_map
    end type system_type