mimic_errors.F90 Source File


Source Code

Source Code

!    MiMiC: A Framework for Multiscale Modeling in Computational Chemistry
!    Copyright (C) 2015-2022  The MiMiC Contributors (see CONTRIBUTORS file for details).
!    This file is part of MiMiC.
!    MiMiC is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
!    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
!    published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
!    the License, or (at your option) any later version.
!    MiMiC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
!    WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
!    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
!    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
!    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

module mimic_errors

#ifndef stderr
    use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : stderr => error_unit

    use mimic_config

    implicit none

        subroutine handle(err_type, message, source_file, line_num)
            !> Type of the error
            integer, intent(in) :: err_type
            !> Optional message
            character(len=*), intent(in) :: message
            !> Source file where the problem occurred
            character(len=*), intent(in) :: source_file
            !> Source line at which the error occurred
            integer, intent(in) :: line_num
        end subroutine handle
    end interface


    !> Format for the error file name
    character(len=*), parameter :: ERROR_FILE = "('MiMiC_error-',i0,'.err')"

    !> Severity level of the error
    !> Warning is a recoverable condition with a fallback
    !> available
    integer, parameter, public :: SEVERITY_WARN = 1
    !> Severity for unrecoverable condition in which,
    !> no fallback can be found
    integer, parameter, public :: SEVERITY_FATAL = 2

    !> Error type associated with the memory allocation
    integer, parameter, public :: TYPE_MEM = 1
    !> Error type associated with the incorrect argument passed
    integer, parameter, public :: TYPE_INCORRECT_ARG = 2
    !> Generic error type
    integer, parameter, public :: TYPE_NONE = -1

    integer, save :: process_id = -1

    procedure(handle), pointer, save :: custom_handler => NULL()

    public :: handle_error
    public :: init_error_handling
    public :: handle


    !> initialiaze error handler
    subroutine init_error_handling(pid, error_handler)

        !> process ID (preferrably MPI rank)
        integer, intent(in) :: pid
        !> optional external error handler
        procedure(handle), pointer, optional :: error_handler

        process_id = pid
        if (present(error_handler)) then
            custom_handler => error_handler

    end subroutine init_error_handling

    !> Subroutine to print warning header
    subroutine print_warning(iounit, source_file, line_num)

        !> I/O unit to write warning to
        integer, intent(in) :: iounit
        !> Source file where the warning was issued
        character(len=*), intent(in) :: source_file
        !> Line number at which the warning was issued
        integer, intent(in) :: line_num

        integer :: ios

        write(unit=iounit, fmt=*) "--------------------------------------------------------------"
        write(unit=iounit, fmt=*, iostat=ios) "MiMiC Warning in: ", &
                                               source_file, " line: ", line_num
        write(unit=iounit, fmt=*) "--------------------------------------------------------------"

    end subroutine print_warning

    !> Subroutine to print error header
    subroutine write_error_header(iounit, source_file, line_num)

        !> I/O unit to write error to
        integer, intent(in) :: iounit
        !> Source file where the error was issued
        character(len=*), intent(in) :: source_file
        !> Line number at which the error was issued
        integer, intent(in) :: line_num

        integer :: ios

        write(unit=iounit, fmt=*) "--------------------------------------------------------------"
        write(unit=iounit, fmt=*, iostat=ios) "Program ", PROJECT_NAME, " version: ", PROJECT_VER
        write(unit=iounit, fmt=*, iostat=ios) "Process ID: ", process_id
        write(unit=iounit, fmt="('Encountered an error in file: ',A,' line: ',i0)", iostat=ios) &
                                               source_file, line_num
        write(unit=iounit, fmt=*) "--------------------------------------------------------------"
        write(unit=iounit, fmt=*)
        write(unit=iounit, fmt=*, iostat=ios) "Error message:"

    end subroutine write_error_header

    !> Handler to treat memory allocation issues
    subroutine handle_mem_error(iounit, message)

        !> I/O unit to write error to
        integer, intent(in) :: iounit
        !> Error message
        character(len=*), intent(in) :: message

        write(unit=iounit, fmt=*) "Memory allocation problem in ", message

    end subroutine handle_mem_error

    !> Handler to treat incorrect argument errors
    subroutine handle_inc_error(iounit, message)

        !> I/O unit to write error to
        integer, intent(in) :: iounit
        !> Error message
        character(len=*), intent(in) :: message

        write(unit=iounit, fmt=*) "Incorrect argument passed in ", message

    end subroutine handle_inc_error

    !> Handler to treat any other kind of errors
    subroutine handle_generic_error(iounit, message)

        !> I/O unit to write error to
        integer, intent(in) :: iounit
        !> Error message
        character(len=*), intent(in) :: message

        write(unit=iounit, fmt=*) "Unexpected problem!"
        write(unit=iounit, fmt=*) message

    end subroutine handle_generic_error

    !> Subroutine to handle errors
    subroutine handle_error(severity, err_type, message, source_file, line_num)

        !> Severity level of the error
        integer, intent(in) :: severity
        !> Type of the error
        integer, intent(in) :: err_type
        !> Optional message
        character(len=*), intent(in) :: message
        !> Source file where the problem occurred
        character(len=*), intent(in) :: source_file
        !> Source line at which the error occurred
        integer, intent(in) :: line_num

        integer :: iounit
        integer :: ios
        character(len=50) :: filename

        if (severity == SEVERITY_WARN) then
            iounit = stderr
            call print_warning(iounit, source_file, line_num)
            write(filename, fmt=ERROR_FILE) process_id
            open(newunit=iounit, file=filename, iostat=ios, status="new", action="write")
            if ( ios /= 0 ) then
                write(unit=stderr, fmt=*) "File system I/O problem - reverting to terminal output"
                iounit = stderr
            call write_error_header(iounit, source_file, line_num)

        select case (err_type)
            case (TYPE_MEM)
                call handle_mem_error(iounit, message)
            case (TYPE_INCORRECT_ARG)
                call handle_inc_error(iounit, message)
            case default
                call handle_generic_error(iounit, message)
        end select

        if (iounit /= stderr) then

        if (severity == SEVERITY_FATAL) then
            if (associated(custom_handler)) then
                call custom_handler(err_type, message, source_file, line_num)
                stop "MiMiC has stopped with an error! See MiMiC_error file(s) for details"

    end subroutine handle_error

end module mimic_errors